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  • Writer's pictureCatie Joyce Bulay

Behind the Scenes: Meet the Staff

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

The Children’s Discovery Museum is excited to introduce Catie Joyce-Bulay. Part of the museum’s small but mighty staff, Catie, a former board member, joined us as our part-time Communications Coordinator this summer. She’s been working behind the scenes to keep you updated on all the fun stuff we’ve got going on. She writes most of our posts on social media, and has her hand in the blog, newsletter, and other communications, as well as grant writing.

Board member Danielle Bragg sat down with Catie this week to learn a little more about her.

Children’s Discovery Museum: Can you share a little of your background?

Catie: Sure, I have done a variety of different jobs, but they all seem to involve communication in some way. I’m a freelance writer, and have written on a wide variety of topics from articles on hops farmers and tech start-ups to reviews of ice cream shops. I’ve also helped nonprofits with grant writing and businesses with their content marketing.

I’m a trained speech language pathologist, so I spend a lot of time thinking about how people communicate and how to help people be better communicators (and listeners!). As a speech therapist, my background in child development and understanding the importance of play in children’s learning has been super helpful in my role at the museum.

I grew up in Milo, Maine and have spent time living in Oregon, Arizona, and, most recently, Washington State, but moved to the Central Maine region to be closer to family after my daughter was born.

CDM: How did you get started with the Children's Discovery Museum?

Catie: Shortly after I moved to my neighborhood, I met my awesome neighbor and board member Meg Loubier, who told me one day while we were on a run together that I should join the board. I thought helping the Children’s Museum bring its vision of a new museum to life sounded so fun. That led to me starting our Communications Committee and working to build up our media and social media presence within the community.

CDM: How would you describe your job to a 5-year-old?

Catie: I help the Children’s Museum by telling our story and telling people about what we do. When I tell my 4-year-old daughter that I am going into the museum to work, I have to explain to her that I’m not going to play, I’m just doing boring grown-up work to help get the new museum ready to open! (Even though I do have fun!)

CDM: What are you most excited about for the new museum?

Catie: I’m most excited to play in it with my daughter Emily! And see her face as she discovers all the cool surprises and pockets of wonder that have been designed into the new exhibits.

And to have it be the community gathering space for families and children that I really feel like we need. I’m excited to connect with new friends and have a fun indoor place to go on a rainy or snowy day.

CDM: What do you do for fun?

Catie: I love to be outdoors, running or hiking. But I also love cozy time indoors with a good book or making art with my daughter.

CDM: If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Catie: To freeze time – I would pause everyone else and give myself an extra day in the week to get everything done (and then I'd take a nice hot bath).

Thanks, Danielle!

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